Case study : MobileTV in Sweden
Résults from Teracom (a public company that maintain and run television, radio and broadband networks in Sweden)
- the test base were 18-59 years old
- lived in well-covered areas
- channel offering consisted of free and pay-per view where pay-per view required that you pay extra after 30 inital free days
- pay-per view was offered for 2 Euro a channel, or 5 Euro for a package
Where did people watch
36% watched mobile TV on a regular basis by themselves at home
36% watched when they were waiting for something i.e a buss
30% watched during their journey
When did they watch
53% watched during weekdays, primarily in the morning and evening
What they bought
35% choose to buy the pay-per-view channels after the free period
Why they watched
13% watched for enterainment
12% to kill time
8% to get updated and informed
Who watched
30-44 yrs old watched the most tv but even 49-59 yrs watched a signficant amount
How much did they watch
62% less than 25 mins per day
What the quality of the service
58% thought it was better picture quality than usual tv
93% thought the sound quality was better than regular tv
42% thought watching 15-35 minutes was "comfortable"
13% thought mobile tv could be watched unlimited - as with a usual tv